The rationale for this book can be found in the simple fact that you, Dear Reader — like most of us —are often presented with images that are less (and often far less) than perfect, and are then faced with the prospect of improving and/or altering such images so they can be used in one type of publishing project or another. In other words, many of your images need to be “made over” — and, sensible person that you are, you’re inclined to tackle the job using Photoshop.
Before & After Makeover: The Concept:
And so was born the Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers concept — whose realization you now hold in your hands. In this book, you’ll get a chance to work with images that mirror the kinds of challenges you are sure to encounter in your photographic career. These challenges include image dimension and resolution problems, poor cropping, exposure challenges (stuff like low brightness, poor contrasts, or backlit subjects), incorrect highlight and shadow points, unwanted color casts, composition challenges that require the removal (or addition) of image elements, damaged images in need of repair, and images that need to go
from color to B&W or B&W to color (or even to duotone). Add to that the fact that most images could use some form of sharpening — and some could benefit from adding one effect or another — and you can see that the whole “makeover” thing can cover a pretty wide area. Approaches and skills that address all these challenges are included between the covers of Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers.