Children with learning disabilities (LD) often have problems that go far beyond those experienced
in reading, writing, math, memory, or organization. For many, strong feelings of frustration, anger,
sadness, or shame can lead to psychological diffi culties such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem,
as well as behavioral problems such as substance abuse or juvenile delinquency. “Unfortunately,”
says Dr. Marshall Raskind, an expert in the fi eld of learning disabilities, “these problems can be far
more devastating than the academic challenges themselves. Although the severity and duration of
a child’s psychological diffi culties may vary as she grows up, such issues can fi nd their way into and
through adulthood.”
Several leading experts in the fi eld of LD have researched the
psychological diffi culties often experienced by children with LD and have
offered suggestions to parents on ways to help protect their children
from developing these problems. In this overview article, we will describe
in general terms what kinds of psychological problems may affect kids
with LD and their possible causes. We will also provide some warning
signs parents should look for and direct you to some approaches that can
support your child’s psychological well-being.
Forthcoming articles in this series, which are being developed over the
next few months, will explore specifi c psychological issues that many
children with LD face, such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness.