This manual is dedicated to all the children that have suffered any kind of abuse or neglect. It is hoped that this
manual will assist those working with children that exhibit psycho-social problems. CHIN is deeply grateful to Project
Concern International for funding the training workshops. Thank also go to UNICEF, who funded the Models of Care
Project, which formed a basis for the manual.
CHIN also wishes to express its gratitude to the National Reference Group on Child Abuse, especially the Thematic
Working Group on Counselling and Support. The groups spent days to draft a manual. Participating organisations and
Core Group members are listed below:
Zambia Law Development Commission: Judge A. Kamanzi
Zambia Police Service, Victim Support Unit: Chief Inspector Agness Kawanga
University Teaching Hospital: Dr. G. Mkumba, Consultant
Community Youth Concern: Rose Kakompe, Rapporteur
Zambia Open Community Schools: Mrs. Munkombwe
Ministry of Education, School Counselling Unit: Thomas Syamujaye
Zambia Children Education Foundation: Annie Sampa-Kamwendo from UNZA Psychology Department, Consultant
Jonathan Brakarsh, Consultant
CHIN co-ordinator and support staff
And finally, I wish also to thank the CHIN Executive Committee members for the support they gave to the Secretariat
to accomplish this task.
John Munsanje, Chairperson